If anyone serves Me, he must follow Me. Where I am, there will My servant be also. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him.
— John 12:26
The final prayer of the five prayers is that God would use us. We should pray, “Dear Lord, use me this day for Your glory. I want to be used by You today to serve You.” This is why God has made us—to fulfill His perfect plan.
Offer yourself each morning to God, to Jesus Christ as Master and Lord of your life, and you will be amazed at what will happen, at the opportunities for service you will have that will make the end of your day a glorious thing. As you lie down at night, you will know that God has used you, that your life has had eternal significance. People will be brought into your presence who have deep needs, those who have need of Jesus Christ, and you will have the pleasure of pointing them to the Savior.
Your life will begin to bud and blossom and bring forth fruit abundantly to the glory of Jesus Christ, if you are available to Him. And if you sincerely pray, “O God, use me today,” He will. So recapping these five prayers that will change your life:
Slay my old nature.
Cleanse me.
Fill me with Your Holy Spirit.
Lead me.
Use me.
Question to ponder:
Has God used you to be a channel of His grace to someone in need of the Savior? What was it like?