…You have held me by my right hand. You will guide me with Your counsel, and afterward receive me to glory.
— Psalm 73:23-24
The Bible says that as many as are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God, the sons of God. The Holy Spirit would lead us by the hand into a great adventure day by day, but too often we have our own plans. We make up our own agenda. We do not submit to the Spirit of God, nor do we ask that He veto any or all of our plans.
He has a perfect and better plan for our lives—a better plan for this day than you have. As you pray for guidance, you will find that as the Spirit of God guides and leads your life, you will live a life more exciting and adventurous than you ever dreamed the Christian life could be. Truly, it will be a day of discovery.
Let us be sensitive to God’s leading, lay all our dreams and plans in His hands, and see His purpose and plans unfold in our lives.
Question to ponder:
Can you think of a time you obeyed God’s leading and benefited greatly from it?