The Importance of Fellowship

“Now you are the body of Christ and members individually.”

— 1 Corinthians 12:27

One of the great means of growth is Christian fellowship. We ought to know people who are holier than we are, and we ought to fellowship with them, and our life will be blessed by their presence.

And I hope that you get into a congregation where you can really get to know some other Christians. Remember the old axiom that birds of a feather flock together? This is true in the spiritual realm of spiritual birds as well. They flock together also. And I want to ask you who are the people with whom you spend time fellowshipping? Are they Christians or non-Christians? Whoever they are, they are saying a lot about you and what you are.

If they are Christians, are they more spiritual than you are? You know, sometimes people say, “Well, I can’t stand this holier-than-thou attitude.” Well, nobody likes a holier-than-thou attitude, but what most of these people know is that though that is repugnant, there is such a thing as a holier-than-thou fact. In case you don’t know it, there are a whole lot of people in some of our churches that are “holier-than-thou.”

Now you may think I am talking about you. I am talking about any one of us. Holier-than-I. Holier-than-thou fact is true, because sanctification is different in all. Some of us are at this stage. Some of us are at that stage. Do you have friends that you fellowship with that are more holy than you are? You should have. They will draw you upward and encourage you and build you up.

Lord, give me strength for today to build stronger relationships with those in the Body of Christ. Thank You for adopting me into the world’s largest family. Thank You that as iron sharpens iron, so we can learn from our brothers and sisters in You…