You Can’t Outgive God

“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and test Me now in this, says the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you a blessing, that there will not be room enough to receive it.”

— Malachi 3:10

God wants us to be generous, and He blesses us for it. You can’t out-give God, and the windows of heaven will be opened unto you. It isn’t a matter of finance—it’s a matter of faith and acting on God’s promise found here in Malachi. You cannot possibly lose. If you believe that promise, you will inevitably be a tither—or more. I think about a young boy in his very early teens. He wasn’t very strong and he was small for his age, but he had to make a living. He got a big cart and pushed it down the streets of Chicago, crying out, “Cheese for sale. Cheese for sale.” This little scrawny kid managed to make enough money to live when he had no other help.

His daughter (or niece, I am not sure which) came to our church years ago and wanted to meet with me in my office. I had the pleasure of listening to his story through her. God blessed this young man because he gave his life to Christ and determined that he would tithe on all he made. First thing you know he had somebody else pushing another cart. Then he had somebody else pushing another cart for him, and then another one, and another one. It wasn’t too many years later when children in school were in a spelling bee, and one of the children was asked, “How do you spell cheese?” and one little boy said, with a bright smile, “Kraft”— because the television had told him “that’s how you spell cheese.” J. L. Kraft’s name had become synonymous with cheese.

Father God, give to us the strength to be faithful in our giving to Your kingdom. Thank You that You are so generous, You just give and give and give. Let us be like You…