“Jesus replied, ‘The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay His head.’”
— Matthew 8:20
There are two very touching texts found in the Bible that are touching only when they are touched together. Most people never see the connection because they are separated by a chapter heading. These are John 8:1 and John 7:53. In 8:1 we are told that Jesus went unto the Mount of Olives, and in 7:53 we read, “Then everyone went to his own house.”
Jesus had been teaching the multitude, and when evening came they all went to their own homes. He had no place to go. Not even the homes of the foxes or the nests of the birds.
Someone put it very well when he said that Jesus was born in another man’s stable, laid in another man’s manger, preached from another man’s boat, rode on another man’s colt, ate the final supper in another man’s room, died on another man’s cross for other men’s sin, and He was laid in another man’s tomb. There was just not any place for Him in this world—not at His birth (no room in the inn), not during His life, not even at His death. We never even provided for Him a place to die. We lifted Him up off the earth and between heaven and earth He hung and He died. There was no room for Him here on this earth—an earth that He created, an earth that He gave life—but there was no room for Him. He became poor for us that we might become rich. What a Savior!
Lord, give us the strength to be ever thankful and mindful of what You did for us when You lived and died in this world…