“And she gave birth to her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in strips of cloth, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.”
— Luke 2:7
There are probably few, if any, words more poignant than these: “…because there was no room for them in the inn.” How sad, indeed, that when the supreme Potentate of paradise condescended to make a visit to this sin-cursed world, there was no room to be found for Him in the inn.
Infinitely lesser kings of infinitely lesser domains visit this nation and there are dignitaries waiting at the airport, there are bands playing, there are whole suites of rooms reserved for them at the finest hotels. I remember reading of one visit when three floors at one of the finest hotels in New York was reserved for the retinue of some potentate of some pipsqueak country somewhere that most people never even heard of.
But when the King of heaven was born, there were no dignitaries waiting to receive Him. Oh, yes, there was a band sent by the king—but it was a band of soldiers sent to kill Him, not to welcome Him. How tragic that when Jesus was born into this world, there was no room for Him here on earth.
Jump ahead to our time, and even though He rules on high and will one day call each of us to give an account to Him, there is still no room for Him—in our schools, our government, our malls (which ironically cash in on His birthday, no less), or the public square. Blessed are those who make room for Him in their lives.
Lord Jesus, give me strength for today to unashamedly embrace You as my own. Forgive me for any inkling of denying You, Savior, before people because it’s not the “in” thing to embrace You…