Pray for the Persecuted Church

“Yes, and all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution.”

— 2 Timothy 3:12

Humanly speaking, persecution against Christianity began with Jesus Himself being spitefully treated and then crucified. It continued with the persecution, torture, and murder of the disciples, and then of many other followers of Christ. It went on in greater ways in the entire Roman Empire during ten huge waves of persecution. For almost 300 years, persecution swept across that kingdom, and millions of Christians died. Then the Edict of Toleration was issued and the persecution ceased—at least for a while. Then it broke out again and again and again and again.

Still today, persecution continues. In the 20th century, more Christians were persecuted and killed for their faith than in any other century. Stalin killed ten million or more. Hitler killed six million Jews; also six million other people, most of whom were Christians. The Korean Communists came into churches, sprayed gasoline on the congregations, and turned flamethrowers on them. In recent years, mostly in Muslim countries, but also some in the remnant communist countries, Christians are being imprisoned, they are being beaten, they are being tortured, they are being crucified by the hundreds, they are being skinned alive, they are having their eyeballs plucked out, and they are beheaded. This is happening in our world in our times.

Pray for the persecuted church. Pray that they will be faithful through it all. Ask that God would take the persecutors and redeem them or remove them.

Heavenly Father, we thank You that You are sovereign and though You allow persecution, one day You will avenge Your enemies. Hasten that day, Lord…