For with God, nothing will be impossible.
— Luke 1:37
My friend, let me instruct you in protocol. When you are having a conversation with God, there are some words you just do not use. One of them is “impossible;” another one is “incredible.” Those words are not even in God’s dictionary.
The Queen in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland proclaimed that she could think of at least six impossible things before breakfast. She is not exactly a hero, but it is a great exercise to think of the impossible. Sometimes a lofty thought comes to mind; for example, “I think I would like to build a school.” Right at its heel comes the thought, “That’s impossible—you can’t do that.” Usually, that is the end of our impossible thought. But we serve a God with whom nothing is impossible.
Now, at the beginning of a new year, imagine some great goal or project you would like to see happen. Bearing in mind, it should be primarily for God’s glory and others’ good. Place that goal before the Lord and see what happens.
Question to ponder:
Do you have an “impossible” dream?