He restores my soul.
— Psalm 23:3
It is in the quietness of God’s presence that we can find an antidote to the hurried stress of our lives. Sitting there, dwelling with God, we will find body, mind, and spirit renewed.
God said to Elijah, who had just been through a very stressful experience with King Ahab: “… hide thyself by the brook Cherith…” (1 Kings 17:3). That was God’s prescription for a very over-stressed prophet. “Hide thyself by the brook Cherith” … “He leadeth me beside the still waters.”
Someone said that he liked to take one-minute vacations to go in his mind to some pleasant place and there to wait. Actually, we need to spend twenty or thirty minutes at a time, taking time to pray, to meditate, to read God’s Word, and to let Him restore our soul. You will notice right after these pleasant meadows, these quiet waters, the words: “He restoreth my soul” (Psalm 23:3a). If we are to know the peace of God and the joy of God, that is where we will find it.
Question to ponder:
Are there any obstacles in your life to spending time alone with God?