Amazing Stories of Amazing Grace

“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, the excellency of the power being from God and not from ourselves.”

— 2 Corinthians 4:7

The Bible has resulted in the conversion of hundreds of millions of people— “earthen vessels”—by God’s grace. There are amazing stories of God’s amazing grace.

An interesting one is the conversion of Sgt. Jacob DeShazar, who flew with Doolittle’s squadron in World War II. His plane went down over Japan after they had bombed Nagoya. He was captured and placed in a five-foot cell in Japan. There he was treated cruelly. At first his heart was filled with hatred for his tormentors.

Then a small New Testament was placed in his hands by a visitor, and he began to read it. As a result, DeShazar accepted Jesus Christ into his heart as Savior and Lord of his life. He said that his heart was so filled with joy in that tiny five-foot cell that he would not have changed places with any person in the world. He came to forgive his enemies.

When the war ended and he was released and brought home, he determined to go back to Japan as a missionary, to take the love of God to those who had been his mortal enemies.

The story of his capture, his imprisonment, and his conversion was placed in a tract. That tract fell into the hands of Mitsuo Fuchida, the Japanese pilot who led the attack on Pearl Harbor. He was converted. He later found Sgt. Jacob DeShazar, and the two of them conspired to bring the Gospel of the love of God to the people of Japan. God can transform the human heart.

Lord God, thank You for the transforming power of the Gospel. Thank You for transforming my heart and daily forming me into Your own image. Thank You for making us part of Your story…