A Major Theme in Revelation

“They overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…”

— Revelation 12:11

In today’s world it doesn’t seem as if the Christians are winning. It seems that unbelievers have the victory; they have taken over the machinery of life. They run the government and the media and the schools and most everything else. But things are not necessarily what they seem, as the book of Revelation points out.

At different points in that book Satan’s forces appear to be victorious. The beast makes war against Christians and kills them. They rejoice over their dead bodies lying in the street for three and a half days. And yet their rejoicing is premature and at last God breathes new life into them, and they stand upon their feet and soon have dominion over the world with Christ, the King of kings.

Christ is ever pictured throughout the entire book, over and over again, as the victor. He is the victorious One, and because He is victorious, we who are in Him are victorious also in spite of everything that may seem to be the other way around.

Are believers in great tribulation? They shall come out of it. Are they killed? They shall stand upon their feet. Are they persecuted? They shall stand victoriously upon Mount Zion. Are their prayers not heard? Their prayers shall set the judgments in motion, and they will rule the world.

Jesus, the King of kings and Lord of lords, will one day inherit the nations, as He’s been promised. It may look like that could never happen, but God is on the move—and His plans will stand.

Jesus, King of kings, we praise and honor You for being the Ruler of the nations. Thank You for revealing what is to come. Thank You that we will be victorious with You and that evil will one day be completely uprooted…