You Are What You Think

“…whatever things are honest, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report…think on these things.”

— Philippians 4:8

As we continue with devotional messages on this beautiful verse, we see that Paul tells the Philippians to think on good and positive things. They include:

  • Whatever things are honest. Those things which are respectful, these are the kinds of things that he is saying we should think about.
  • Whatever things are just. Though we as Christians are not of this world, we do live in it. We must live our lives justly and fairly, above reproach.
  • Whatever things are pure. The Bible exhorts us frequently to purity of heart and mind. The Bible says that the pure in heart shall see God. If God seems distant, it could be because of impure thoughts (and actions).
  • Whatever things are lovely. Now this means not only amiable, lovely, but also amicable as well, as opposed to discordant, loveable. The lovely and the beautiful draws us to God.
  • Whatever is of good report. We ought to be thinking good things of people, and we ought to be speaking well of people because these are the kinds of things that build people up instead of tearing them down. Indeed, we can be not only good finders but good tellers as well, and as we share good reports we build up the body of Christ, instead of ripping it apart.

We choose our thoughts. Let us choose wisely.

Oh Lord, You who are the Altogether Lovely One, give me the strength to think wholesome thoughts. As the hymn says, May Your mind, Oh, Christ my Savior, live in me from day to day…