The Biggest Organization Worldwide

“…you also, as living stones, are being built up into a spiritual house as a holy priesthood to offer up spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.”

— 1 Peter 2:5

One day two men were sitting together on an airplane. One was a businessman. The second man was a representative of a worldwide organization. “You must work for Coca Cola,” said the first. “No,” replied the second, “We have far more field representatives, more employees and more customers, if you can call them that.”

Now, the first man was definitely intrigued. “Microsoft?” “Bigger.” “The U.N.?” “Again, much bigger.” “Tell me.” I am a minister in the Church of Jesus Christ.

Think about it. The kingdom that contains more citizens than any country on earth, the association that has the most members is the Church of Jesus Christ. Not any one denomination, but the collective body that professes to believe in the Son of God comprises the largest group of people on the globe. The members of Christ’s Church are in every country and of every race around the globe. There’s simply no other group, institution, or fellowship even remotely similar.

If you are in Christ, you are part of the largest family in the whole world. Despite all the setbacks, the Body of Christ is the most successful “organization” ever.

Lord Jesus, Head of the church, we ask You to give us strength today so that we can live our lives worthy of the family name, Christian. Thank You for this worldwide enterprise. We are grateful for any job you give us within Your kingdom. Help us to serve You well…