Jesus is the greatest person who ever lived …
But what if He had never been born? In our cynical age of unbridled slanders and attacks against the Christian faith, one powerful truth is undeniable. If Christ had never been born, this world would be far more miserable than it is. But most people don’t know it.
That’s why D. James Kennedy Ministries produced a powerful new documentary, What if Jesus had Never Been Born? Based on Dr. D. James Kennedy’s best-selling book by the same title, it features scholars and experts who investigate the positive impact Jesus Christ has made upon every area of life, including
- the arts
- modern science
- education
- charity
- the sanctity of human life
- the elevation of women
- and many more
Discover just how much Jesus changed the world …
Filmed on location in England and around the U.S., this new documentary presents evidence that Christianity has been the single greatest force for good the world has ever known.
“Everywhere the gospel goes, where it’s received and allowed to flourish, that society improves. That’s not my opinion, that’s just history,” asserts Craig A. Evans, Ph.D., Professor of Christian Origins at Houston Theological Seminary, one of the scholars who appear in the documentary.
What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? is an eye-opening investigation into the incomparable impact of Christ and his Church on our world—and the hopeless, brutal conditions that would rule this world had he never come.
You can now obtain this brand-new documentary on DVD. As thanks for your kind donation to help us proclaim the truth and spread the gospel, we will send you a new ministry edition of the book, What If Jesus Had Never Been Born? And if you can give a gift of $50 or more, we’ll send the book and the compelling new documentary of the same name.
Discover Jesus Christ’s transformational and widely unknown impact on human existence in the last 2,000 years. Request your copy of the book and DVD today as you give!
Make a gift now.
Our What If Jesus Had Never Been Born Campaign ended on July 9, 2023 at 12:01 AM
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