Feb 2024 – WHO Resource

Thank you for signing the petition to your senators

Thank you for signing the petition to your senators asking them to use their constitutional authority to stop the Biden Administration’s attempts to hand America’s sovereignty to the World Health Organization (WHO). This is the same organization that was complicit in China’s coverup of the origins of Covid-19. So why would our president give broad authority to the WHO, allowing it to make binding healthcare decisions for you and your loved ones?    

This is unacceptable and treacherous!

To understand the threat posed by unelected bureaucrats who want to use health emergencies to impose choking, authoritarian rule, we will send you the chilling report, Why does the WHO Make False Claims? You dare not believe their prevarications and denials. If allowed, the WHO’s proposals will seize America’s sovereignty.

You need to know what is at stake. If global healthcare can be forced upon you, could global policies on abortion? What about church closures deemed necessary for “health” reasons? No Bible-believing Christian can afford to bury their head in the sand at this crucial moment.

Request your copy of the special report, Why does the WHO Make False Claims?, as thanks for your much-appreciated generous donation.

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