God’s Solution for Your Trials
Are you or a loved one facing personal trials and troubles? Are you tempted to cry out, “Why God? Why me? Why now?” Most of us have been there or will be there at some time in our life.
Dr. D. James Kennedy reminds us, “God takes all those questions, gathers them up in His arms, and writes over them the majestic words of Romans 8:28: ‘All things work together for good to them that love God.’”
Those are not mere words. Whatever your disappointment, trouble, heartache, or grief, God promises to turn it to gold. Often we can become so caught up with the struggles and difficulties of life or even the evening news that it becomes essential to have true hope founded upon the solid rock of God’s promises.
The Right Book for This Time of Challenge
That is why we want you to have Dr. Kennedy’s classic book Turn It To Gold: How God Turns Adversity to Triumph. Newly republished this beloved and timeless book is our gift to you for your much-needed donation to this ministry’s work. You’ll find chapters on:
- God’s Sovereign Plan
- When Troubles Come
- I Refuse to Worry!
- The Sin of Aiming Low
- When Tempted to Quit
- Possibilities Unlimited! And many more!
You Can Live Without Fear
If you are able to give a donation of $60 or more, we will send you Turn It To Gold, plus the inspiring 4-DVD set, Living Without Fear. This set features key messages from Dr. Kennedy on confident Christian living, such as:
- Conquering Fear
- Hope for the Hopeless
- Banishing the Fear of Death
- Ending Financial Fear
Who among us has not experienced anxiety, worry, or fear, especially during these difficult months in America? Dr. Kennedy shows you how to break free and live a life based on faith and hope in God.
We’ll gladly send you these exceptional ministry resources now.
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