The Bride of Christ

Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb!

— revelations 9:10

Did you ever consider the fact that marriage is a major theme of the Bible? One theologian noted that the Bible opens with a marriage, and it closes with one. Jesus is the bridegroom who left heaven to seek out a bride. When we become believers in Him, we become part of the bride of Christ.

Marriage was God’s idea in the first place. Marriage is above all a picture of Christ and His bride, the Church. Perhaps this is why Satan aims his big guns at marriage, to tear it down any way he can.

In the Old Testament it was a great disgrace for a wife to be barren. Many a wife lamented and wept over her barrenness. We are the bride of Jesus Christ. He is our bridegroom. It is even more disgraceful to be spiritually barren, and yet how many Christians weep over their barrenness?

It is a great honor for a Christian to have spiritual children, as well as physical children—our spiritual children being those we have led to Christ. It is a great privilege as Christ’s bride to invite others also to participate in the marriage supper of the Lamb. True Christian marriages proclaim God’s plan to the world and benefit all who partake in it.

Question to ponder:
What can we do to strengthen our marriages so they truly proclaim God’s plan to the world?