Take Your 2019 Spiritual and Constitutional State of the Nation Survey Today!
As we usher in a brand new year, our nation remains greatly divided—with two competing visions for America. Socialism is on the rise with several self-described socialists newly elected to Congress—and The First Amendment is perhaps still in the greatest danger it has ever faced.
Now, more than ever, we must remain vigilant in defense of our religious liberty and the sanctity of human life, as well as adherence to the Constitution.
That is why it is critical that you participate in the 2019 Spiritual and Constitutional State of the Nation Survey. When you fill it out, you will be letting our leaders in Washington know your values as well as the issues that are most important to you. You’ll also be joining your voice with the voices of thousands of committed Christian citizens across this nation for the sake of freedom.
Please fill out the survey below.
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