In June the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade—and the floodgates of misinformation opened wide.
Wildly exaggerated claims that women’s rights would return to the dark ages were touted on TV programs like The View and in mainstream news. Grossly distorted claims that women would be “forced to die” because they would be denied medical treatment for ectopic pregnancies were believed and repeated. No matter that there was no factual basis for such claims.
So, what is the truth?
We have produced a fact sheet for download to help you speak into this cultural moment. In Quick Pro-Life Answers, we provide fact-based answers to 11 of the most-asked questions surrounding abortion and the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Questions such as:
- Is abortion now illegal in the United States?
- Why should nine unelected judges decide what a woman can do with her body?
- How do we respond to “my body, my choice?”
- What about rape and incest?
- Is it true that pro-life pregnancy help centers deceive and harm women?
We also include the Biblical perspective for the pro-life position of Christianity. We want you to have Quick Pro-Life Answers to help clarify your own thinking on this critical issue and help you guide others to reasoned answers.
Download the PDF now!
Our quick Pro-Life Answers Campaign ended on October 2, 2022 at 11:59 PM
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