If the rule of law disappears from a nation,
what is left?
The decades-long systematic secularization of the media, education, workplace, and popular culture has come home to roost in cities across America in 2020. While we’ve spent much of this year distracted by looting, protests, and social justice causes, radical Leftists have been seizing the moment to advance socialism and totalitarianism.
But a void is always filled. Whose liberties will replace your liberties when the Left gets their way? What “god” will replace Almighty God when they succeed in ousting religion from every vestige of life?
A lesson for the United States
Dr. Erwin Lutzer warns us of a future that none of us wants to see in his riveting book, When A Nation Forgets God. He reveals seven trends that transformed a society much like our own into Nazi Germany. You will find chilling similarities in chapters that include:
- It’s Always the Economy
- That Which Is Legal Might Also Be Evil
- Propaganda Can Change a Nation
- When God Is Separated From Government Judgment Follows
- and more
Think it can’t happen here? It’s already started. Dr. Lutzer helps us recognize the signs and encourages us to see the privilege we have to live at this time in history when our faith really counts. With his pastor’s heart, he reminds us to find hope in God, who always has a plan.
We will send you Dr. Erwin Lutzer’s engaging and cautionary book When A Nation Forgets God as our thank you for your generous donation to help us stand for truth and defend your freedom.
The time for heroism is upon us!
If you are able to give a much-needed donation of $50 or more, we will send you Dr. Lutzer’s must-read book plus the outstanding DVD, Christ & Culture: The Road to Revival and Restoration. It features two classic, power-packed messages from Dr. D. James Kennedy to equip and empower Christians to engage with the culture and reclaim America for Jesus Christ. It is possible for our nation to repent and turn back to God. You can be part of that revival!
Request these timely resources now!
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