May 2024 – WHO Petition

A dangerous crossroads. Freedom or tyranny?
America’s sovereignty at risk!

The Biden administration is now seeking to give broad authority to the World Health Organization (WHO) that would allow it to make binding healthcare decisions for the United States.

The proposed agreement would dramatically expand WHO’s authority to declare a pandemic and give them unprecedented power over the United States of America! The World Health Assembly meets May 27-June 1 in Geneva, Switzerland, where it may ratify the proposed “pandemic agreement”—which is, in fact, a treaty.

The WHO has already proven to be a valuable partner to the nation of China. This would be a dangerous—and utterly destructive—liaison.

► FORCED vaccinations ► FORCED registration of personal information ► FORCED abortions ► FORCED “free speech” limitations based on WHO standards ► FORCED healthcare as mandated by an international body ► FORCED renunciation of all pro-life laws that limit abortion

Please sign the petition below and stand generously with Coral Ridge Ministries now to protect America’s sovereignty!

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