Thank you for checking out our special webcast preview of Truths That Transform’s series: The Church in Babylon.
Like Israel in Babylon, our challenge is to impact the culture for good without being spiritually destroyed by it. But how do we do that?
We have found a powerful and timely resource in Dr. Erwin Lutzer’s book, The Church in Babylon: Heeding the Call to Be a Light in the Darkness. With decades of ministry and Biblical scholarship to his credit, Dr. Lutzer provides a clarion call to the Church, and provides a clear path forward as we navigate the issues facing us in the twenty-first century. This is a must-read for every Christian, and it will help you:
- Keep the faith in a hostile work environment
- Have courage to confront the enemy
- Stay true to your Christian witness
- Boldly share the one message that can save
- And more!
Dr. Lutzer takes on the current gender insanity, the growth of socialism, the contentious immigration debate and more, shining light on the path forward for Christians. We will send you The Church in Babylon as our thank you for your generous donation.
For your gift of $50 or more, we will include the exclusive DVD Shining Light in a Dark World. This DVD contains special features as well as an extended interview with Dr. Lutzer speaking with clarity on many of the cultural challenges of our day. He doesn’t pull any punches, yet confronts with a pastor’s heart.
Don’t miss these two powerful resources that will show you how to survive and thrive in our Babylon. This would make a practical set of resources to share with your pastor and others in your sphere of influence.
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