How the Left Is Scheming to Steal Your Vote & Grab Power
Americans are watching in amazement as sworn affidavits pile up alleging scandalous voter fraud in multiple states after the 2020 presidential election.
- The Republican National Committee says it has 500 sworn affidavits alleging some 11,000 incidents of voter fraud.
- Observers have been locked out of ballot-counting rooms.
- One U.S. Postal Service employee charges his supervisor ordered that late-arriving ballots be backdated with a Nov. 3 postmark.
- And there’s more.
What is going on? Veteran journalist Robert Knight and D. James Kennedy Ministries supply answers in two compelling resources that reveal the Left’s plan to steal votes and win power.
Furious over the results of the 2016 elections, the Left implemented measures to make sure it never happens again. Their aim is to conquer the last public place where people can voice their political opinions directly—the ballot box. Their strategy is to:
- End Voter ID
- Abolish the Electoral College
- Allow Ballot Harvesting
- And more.
Veteran journalist Robert H. Knight gives you the troubling details in his book Liberty On the Brink: How the Left Plans to Steal Your Vote. Knight exposes the many threats to free elections posed by un-American, socialist activists. He offers disturbing evidence of election tampering, including:
- Voter fraud in Philadelphia
- The bizarre finding that hundreds of Pennsylvania voters were over 100 years of age—with many over 110! One man on the rolls was 159!
- How recounts can go wrong
- The Left’s attack on voter ID
We will send you Liberty On the Brink: How the Left Plans to Steal Your Vote as our thank you for your generous donation to help us continue the crucial work of this ministry.
As you can give a generous donation of $40 or more, we will also include the hard-hitting DVD, Stealing Your Vote! Exposing the Left’s Plan to Undermine Free Elections. The DVD includes interviews with Robert H. Knight, Gary Bauer, William J. Federer, Jenna Ellis Rives—a constitutional attorney, and many other compelling experts.
Discover how the Left is scheming to steal your vote and grab power in America. Request your timely, ministry-exclusive resources now.
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