His name is George Soros, and he stands above all others when it comes to power and influence. Soros, an atheist, has poured billions of dollars into everything committed Christians stand against—destroying our nation by bringing utter chaos to society.
You can read his story of radical influence in the ministry-exclusive booklet George Soros Exposed: Spending Billions to Radically Transform America. We expose his self-described “messianic” goals—one of which is to be the “conscience of the world”—and document how he works to accomplish them.
We will rush you the book George Soros Exposed as our thank you for your generous donation to help us stand for truth and defend your freedom.
Follow the money
In appreciation for your gift of $60 or more we will send you the book, plus our oversized color chart, Follow the Money and the explanatory guide. This well-researched tool details the flow of Soros’ money into the radical Left movement showing the names of those involved in trying to:
- deconstruct our nation
- open the borders
- promote violence in the streets
- advance the radical agenda
- and more
We will also include our explosive DVD expose´ Billionaire Radical: George Soros and the Scheme to Remake America. Prepare to see how Soros uses his money to control a free people by destroying the foundations of their constitutional order, including Christianity, and instigating society’s demoralization.
These are resources that George Soros and the far Left do not want you to see. You’ll want to share all of them with those in your sphere of influence.
Request these compelling resources now.
Our $500,000 Gospel Under Fire Matching Challenge ended January 1, 2022 at 12:00 AM.
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