A radical assault is taking place in our nation and schools. It’s transgenderism, the notion that we can decide our sex—whether male, female, or any of a mushrooming list of gender options.
In extreme cases, confused young people and adults turn to irreversibly mutilating their bodies, with many later regretting what has been done to them.
So how do we respond to all this, especially when the public school classroom sends our children unbiblical messages about gender identity, gender roles, same-sex attraction, and sexual fulfillment?
We must anchor children to God’s truth.
To help you to steer the young people in your life to embrace their proper calling to godly womanhood or manhood, we have a highly readable, Biblically-based book we will gladly send you. It’s Anchoring Your Child to God’s Truth in a Gender-Confused Culture, and it is our thanks for your generous donation.
This is an essential tool that will:
- Equip you to understand the culture-shaping your children’s views of sexuality.
- Show you how to empower children to respond to the gender fluidity confronting them.
- Enable children to respond to the gender-confused with Gospel grace and compassion.
- Help children to celebrate their God-given gender.
- And more
Anchoring Your Child to God’s Truth in a Gender-Confused Culture is a vital, hands-on booklet useful for every Christian who wants to better understand the war on gender from a Biblical perspective.
Also, we have produced a brand-new television documentary, The Tragedy of Gender Confusion. We’ll send you this must-see DVD for your gift of $50 or more, which includes gripping content not seen on nationwide television. You will discover the worldview behind the new gender confusion and find out how it is especially targeting and harming children and women. You’ll also meet someone who “transitioned” to another gender but then encountered Jesus Christ.
Both resources are ideal for a small group study and to share with others.
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