The Antidote to Fear!
If you are binge-watching the news coverage of the coronavirus or your mind is plaguing you with all the “what if’s,” we want to help calm your fear.
The book, Living Without Fear, is a compilation of six of D. James Kennedy’s timely sermons addressing how you can overcome your fears. Sermons include:
- Conquering Fear
- Banishing the Fear of Death
- Ending Financial Fears
- Hope for the Hopeless
- Fear Not
- And How to Walk on Water
And because we’re in a health crisis which has unleashed a near-panic in our nation, we want to send you Living Without Fear for the mere cost of shipping and handling. That’s just $5. We know that you or a loved one will benefit from the great scriptural truths that Dr. Kennedy shares in this exclusive, ministry resource.
If you would like to have the six messages on DVD, we will be happy to send you the book and companion four-DVD set of Living Without Fear for your generous donation of $45 or more.
We desire to help you conquer your fear and find comfort and strength during these uncertain days.
Request your timely, ministry-exclusive resources now.
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