The body is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption.
— 1 Corinthians 15:42
Recently my wife and I visited Butterfly World, a magnificent spectacle of beauty and color in Fort Lauderdale, which houses thousands of butterflies flying freely in an enclosed area. We were each given a little chrysalis in a plastic cup. We observed them. They had already woven their own cerement, created their own winding sheet, built their own coffin. But now they were breaking free. They had utterly transformed themselves. Out comes one wing, and then another. Then they pump up their wings with their own blood and fly off into the sky.
The butterfly is often used as a description of the Resurrection. It certainly is, but it would be a more accurate picture of the resurrection of mankind if we took that chrysalis, ground it to powder, dissolved it in water, mixed it with mud, and splashed it into all the rivers of the world—and then waited for the butterfly to come out. That is the plight of man. Indeed, how shall our bodies ever come together again? Of course, God, who created the world out of nothing, can one day resurrect our bodies, despite the earthly condition of our remains.
Question to ponder:
What does it mean to you to know that one day God will resurrect your body?