Pursuing Truth and Freedom
Those who would crush the Christian faith are hard at work in our nation and world. We MUST answer these threats—or face serious consequence of losing our rights. Let’s stand together in defense of freedom and the proclamation of the Gospel in our culture today!
With Our Deepest Gratitude for Your Generous Donation …
Stunning new compilation! Just released
Miracles in American History
- Beautiful full-color, hardback gift edition, which you will be proud to display in your home—or give as a wonderful gift to a friend or loved one.
- You, your family, and friends will be inspired in these dark times as you read amazing stories of God’s hand on America.
- Read of captivating, little-known stories during the Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Civil War and up through Apollo 13 … discover how men and women rose up with faith and courage, and desperate situations miraculously turned around.
- Learn “the rest of the story” of how people prayed, challenged, and inspired the nation, and disaster was averted.
- Be encouraged: the miraculous happened before and will happen again!
We’ll gladly send you Miracles in American History: Amazing Stories of Answered Prayer for your generous donation.
Request your copy now!
Bible Gateway campaign ended on October 27, 2022 at 11:59 PM
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