The Left insists that our nation was founded as a secular state—case closed.
But they’re wrong. Tragically, many Americans, having gone through public education in recent decades, have been brainwashed into believing the lie! They don’t know that our nation owes its existence and its prosperity to our founder’s allegiance to Christianity and its teachings.
Get the facts. Get the Truth!
Discover America’s unique Christian heritage in the highly readable and concise book 10 Truths About America’s Christian Heritage.
You will clearly see the real roots of our nation’s origin and the strength that came from this heritage as you read through each truth, including…
- TRUTH 1 America Was Begun as a “Church Relocation Project”
- TRUTH 2 The Founders Recognized God as the Source of Liberty and Law
- TRUTH 5 Our Republic Rests Upon One Book, the Bible
- TRUTH 7 America’s Schools Were Formed to Advance the Christian Faith
- TRUTH 10 The Courts Have Declared We Are a Christian Nation
- And five more.
We will gladly send you 10 Truths About America’s Christian Heritage for your generous donation to help us stand for truth and defend your freedom.
For your much-appreciated gift of $50 or more, we’ll also include the brand-new documentary from Providence Forum, The Road to Independence, produced by Dr. Jerry Newcombe. You will be inspired and challenged as you see the people and events that forged our freedom and gave rise to the most free and prosperous nation in history. Expert interviews include, Os Guinness, Eric Metaxas, Dennis Prager, Rabbi Daniel Lapin, Jenna Ellis, and many more.
These carefully documented resources provide the real history your children and grandchildren aren’t being taught in school today.
Request yours now!
Our America's Christian Heritage Campaign ended on August 26, 2022 at 11:59 PM
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