God At Work Around the World

“I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”

— Luke 15:10

God is at work throughout our world in great ways—often in ways we do not hear about.

Christianity is no longer a Western religion. It is a world religion. In fact, the growth of non-Western missions is now reported to be five times the rate of growth of Western missions. Christianity is becoming a Third World religion.

What is behind all these incredible developments? Well, for one thing, a greater commitment to prayer. For example, since 1989, when a “global prayer strategy” was initiated, millions of Christians from 180 nations have been involved in daily prayer for revival across the world. They spend at least five minutes when the sun rises in their area to pray for the spread of the Gospel. Prayer warrior David Bryant says, “As the sun moves across each time zone, the torch of prayer is being passed around the clock, around the world.”

In the last 50 years of the 20th century we saw the rise of active ministry of the lay person. Increasingly, tens of millions of lay people around the world have begun to share their faith in Christ. They have been equipped, trained, emboldened, and encouraged to go out and share the Good News with others. This is another reason for the great explosion of converts around the world.

Let God use you where you are, regardless of your level of theological training, to let others know about Jesus. There is a great deal of joy when someone becomes a true believer in Jesus. Even the angels rejoice.

Dear Lord, thank You for how You are actively at work around our world and drawing many people to Yourself from a variety of backgrounds. Thank You for the millions of Christians praying and the millions of Christians, including laymen, sharing the Gospel…