Confronting Hate & Lies: D. James Kennedy Ministries Lawsuit Against the Southern Poverty Law Center.
“There comes a time when you must stand for truth, even if no one will stand with you.”
Here at D. James Kennedy Ministries, we came to just such a time in 2017 when we filed a defamation lawsuit in federal court against the Southern Poverty Law Center. They labeled D. James Kennedy Ministries a “hate group,” and placed us on their false “hate map,” because of our traditional, Biblical beliefs on marriage and sexuality.
We are four years into our efforts to defend Bible-believing Christians against false and defamatory statements and the U.S. 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in July upheld a lower court ruling dismissing DJKM’s defamation and discrimination lawsuit against the Southern Poverty Law Center [SPLC] and Amazon.
Even before this ruling was handed down, our board of directors voted to appeal this case as far as it can go—and the board has since reaffirmed that stance. As a result, we are filing an appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court.
Why This Case Matters to You
The SPLC’s spurious “hate” charge inflicts real harm on DJKM. It has led to reputational injury, increased security expenses, and a loss of financial support. But the harm is not just to DJKM.
If the SPLC can get away with calling DJKM a “hate group,” just for upholding Biblical marriage, then no faithful Christian is safe from this scurrilous charge. Which is why our lawsuit and Supreme Court appeal matter to every believer.
But the Supreme Court only hears a tiny percentage of cases filed to them each year. Please pray that ours will be one of them. We must continue to pursue justice in this case. Maligning, demonizing, and stigmatizing leads to discrimination and persecution which we are beginning to see in our nation.
With help from friends like you, this ministry will not sit back and allow the SPLC’s false accusation to go unanswered. Can we count on your prayers and financial support?
Please help us defend religious liberty and Christian truth against the false and defamatory attacks of the Southern Poverty Law Center with a generous gift to support our work. Our promise is to stand for truth and defend your freedom. But in order to do that we need you to stand with us! Please click here to join with us.
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