A Gift Every Four Years

“. . . I will sing aloud of Your lovingkindness in the morning.”
— Psalm 59:16


Time is a funny thing—either we have too little of it or too much of it. This year we get an extra day, a gift to do with it what we want—twenty-four shining hours. We were made for eternity; therefore, we are never fully at home in time. Every new day is a gift, and the rays of eternity light it up and show us what is important.

Some of you have planned to serve Christ. You have determined that you would do great things for the Lord. Oh yes, you have planned to be a witness for Him, but you have been so busy. You have no intention to come before Him without one soul with which to greet Him. You do not desire to come into His presence empty-handed.

When we look at all the urgent things we need to do today, we should ask ourselves, “Are these things really important? In light of eternity, will they matter? What will matter a thousand years from now?”

While we go about our duties, let us not get caught up in what has been called “the tyranny of the urgent” and miss that which is truly important. Today, ask God for one beautiful opportunity to do something of eternal value for Him.

Question to ponder: