Beloved, if God so loved us, we must also love one another.
— 1 John 4:11
God is the source of all love in this world. More than that, He is love. Whenever people love each other in word or in deed, wherever people learn to put others first, there God is present. There is the Spirit of Jesus.
No man ever loved like Jesus. He brought the far-off God nigh through the channel of the Father’s love. He went about doing good. He demonstrated love. He healed the wounded. He raised the dead. He healed the sick. He did all things well.
It is because Jesus came that we know what love is. As we celebrate love, we should show appreciation for those nearest to us. Let us thank God, the source of love. Love was His idea in the first place.
Question to ponder:
How can we be imitators of Christ in our love and service to others?