How Firm a Foundation
The Bible tells us we are either in Adam or in Christ. In Adam, unbelief takes us toward sin and death. But in Christ, we discover living truth–a solid foundation for this life and the life to come. For that reason, Dr. Rob Pacienza has written a new book called How Firm a Foundation, where he examines key Christian truths and how they should affect every sphere of our lives. We would like to send it to you as our thanks for your generous donation to the ongoing work of this ministry. In this book, Dr. Pacienza shows the uniqueness of Christianity and how counter-cultural the biblical worldview is. Examine your own worldview through a biblical lens in this important new book.
If you’re able to give a generous donation of $40 or more, we’ll send you the book plus the DVD set of messages that formed the basis for it: The “How Firm a Foundation” DVD set. In these nine powerful video messages from the pulpit at Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church—founded by Dr. D. James Kennedy—Pastor Rob explains the importance of the sovereignty of God, why the biblical teaching on creation matters, and the meaning of life itself, among many other topics. The book and DVD set, How Firm a Foundation, will provide you with the worldview checkup you need, and help you live out God’s truth more faithfully in an unbelieving culture.
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