It’s one more nail in the coffin
of our religious liberty!

The speed at which our religious freedom is being eroded is staggering, and the “Do No Harm Act,” now in the Senate, will deal a major blow to religious liberty if passed. We dare not let that happen, as it will strip away the powerful protections of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA), which has protected people of faith in recent years. But with the LGBTQ community’s push for even greater license, the “Do No Harm Act” will mean that gay rights will trump religious rights every time.

Shockingly, this dangerous legislation has already been passed in the House of Representatives. To help give you a voice, we have created a petition to be sent to both of your senators, urging them to vote to protect religious liberty and defeat the “Do No Harm Act.” It is critical that we stop this bill. Request your petitions today. When you receive them, sign them and return them right away.

You will be joining your voice with thousands of other concerned Americans to let your senators know that you want them to use their influence in unwavering support of religious liberty and against the deception of the “Do No Harm Act!” Time is of the essence.

Simply fill out the form below and your petitions will be on their way.

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