WARNING: Your Religious Freedom
is Under Assault
Enough is enough! A private Christian school in northern California has been unfairly targeted by the liberal left. River View Christian Academy has endured a hostile raid, unfounded fines, and now, the threat of oversight by the Department of Social Services—requiring the Christian school to relinquish its Biblical moral standards. The message is loud and clear—change your beliefs or we’ll shut you down.
This attempt to take over and strongarm a private Christian school is a clear violation of the Constitution and the First Amendment right guaranteeing the free exercise of religion.
That is why we are launching a nationwide petition drive calling on Attorney General William Barr—a proven ally of freedom—to use the full authority of his office and the power of the Department of Justice to stop, through prosecution or whatever means possible, this gross violation of the Bill of Rights and religious freedom.
Please request your petition today. When you receive it, sign it, and return it right away. Your voice joined with thousands of other freedom-loving Americans, will be sent to the Attorney General of the United States. We must stand with River View Christian Academy for the sake of all of our Christian schools and America’s children.
Simply fill out the form below and your petition will be on its way.
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