Your Gift Now Helps Defend American Freedom!
It is time to defend our freedoms! As we celebrate the birth of American liberty, we are launching our vital Defend America 2020 campaign. It’s a critical initiative to roll back the assault on liberty across our land.
Your support now will help us carry forward this campaign in this decisive election year and continue all of our efforts to proclaim Biblical truth, bringing the life-transforming power of God’s Word to a weary, crisis-embattled nation. With your help now, we will:
- Broadcast nationwide our brand new “Defend America 2020” television special this month and during the election season. It will speak truth into the lies of socialism and communism, sounding a clarion warning and delivering urgently needed truth today.
- Fight against the liberal Left’s plan to steal your vote—a genuine threat with the push for mail-in ballots across our nation.
- Stand for life and against abortion in any form—particularly late-term abortion
- Keep moving forward in our defamation and discrimination suit against the SPLC and Amazon in Federal Appeals Court.
But to do all this and share God’s life-giving Word across America each week, it will take the generosity of committed friends like you. Will you stand with us by giving a generous gift today?
To thank you, we will send you the must-have resource, 7 Steps for a Nation in Crisis. Perfect for this time of deep moral confusion and lawlessness, it gives you God’s prescription for America’s recovery. I urge you to request this compelling small book by Dr. Kennedy and Dr. Jerry Newcombe today.
And for your donation of $50 or more, we will send you both the book and the 4-DVD series from Dr. Kennedy, A Nation Worth Fighting For. Your heart will be aflame with the cause of liberty as you listen to these Biblically inspired messages.
Give now to defend freedom and proclaim the Gospel through our Defend America 2020 campaign.
And as you give, request these exceptional ministry resources now.
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