You can help save America’s youth!

Christians have a responsibility to bring our children up in the Lord. There has never been a time when that is easy, but today’s children are facing a virtual tsunami of twisted lies.
That’s why Coral Ridge Ministries has produced a brand new, hard-hitting documentary, Brainwashed: The Indoctrination of America’s Youth, to shed light on the crisis, call parents, pastors, teachers, and concerned citizens to action … and rescue our children and youth from destruction!
You will see how woke culture promises freedom, promotes self-love above all, denigrates faith as “close-minded,” pushes radical liberalism, and denies absolute truth—all to the detriment of a generation of young people.
Help us broadcast Brainwashed across the nation!
Will you stand generously with Coral Ridge Ministries right now to help cover the cost of airtime and distribution? As thanks, we’ll send you Brainwashed on DVD as soon as it is available. You’ll want to share it with family, friends, your pastor and youth pastor, and others in your sphere of influence.
For your much-appreciated gift of $50 or more, we’ll also include the practical book Mama Bear Apologetics, by Hillary Morgan Ferrer. You will be equipped to help your children and grandchildren challenge candy-coated cultural lies so they will recognize right and wrong, and good and evil. Using real-life stories, applications, and prayer strategies, Ferrer provides the guidance youth need to inform and shape their own biblical beliefs.
Your prayers and financial gifts help us bring you and others the very best in television, radio, internet, and print resources, all grounded in God’s Word and applicable to today’s moral crisis. Thank you!
Request your timely and eye-opening resources now!

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