Protect Vulnerable Children

With your generous support, D. James Kennedy Ministries is taking the entire month of August . . . as children head back to school across the nation . . . to broadcast a series of special reports on this dangerous threat to children, families, and freedom.
Your financial gift today will help us complete and air a nationwide special revealing the truth about the transgender movement and the chaos and irreversible tragedy it has inflicted on so many hearts, homes, and lives.
This August, we ask that you consider giving above and beyond what you have given so generously in the past, to help us finish this special and purchase the necessary airtime—to reach people in need with the gospel truth.
As you give, we’re thrilled to bless you with a copy of an outstanding and timely book, Anchoring Your Child to God’s Truth in a Gender Confused Culture by Dr. Gary Yagel, plus a 3-pack of booklets for you to share with family and friends, Truth in Action Q & A—What Does the Bible Teach About Gender Identity?
If God is leading you to give $50 or more, we will also send you a copy of our new nationwide special, The Gender Delusion available on DVD.

Thank you for your willingness to stand with this ministry for truth and freedom. For the sake of our children and grandchildren, and the health and welfare of our great nation, may God find us faithful.
As you give and pray, please also take action by signing this online petition. A number of states have banned “gender-affirming” care and more are considering. We will make sure your governor hears from you on this issue, urging them to protect the children of your state from the harm of the transgender movement and affirm the rights of parents to raise, nurture, and direct their children as ordained by God. It is your governor’s constitutional responsibility! Thank you. God bless you.
Our Gender Delusion Campaign ended on Sept 30
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