Mainstream media, academia, and major corporations are spreading lies about America’s founding principles … and taking us down a dangerous path toward Marxism.
We must get the truth out!
That is why we want to send you the unique book, The 1776 Report, produced by President Trump’s 1776 Commission. In it you’ll discover the beautiful principles of freedom our nation was founded on. You’ll find answers to the disinformation and shabby research of the 1619 Project, which claims America, was racist from the beginning.
On his first day in office, President Biden disbanded the 1776 Commission. But that didn’t stop its members from producing their report, which we have reproduced in this inspiring and easy-to-read book. We’ll gladly send you The 1776 Report as our thanks for your generous donation to help us to continue to stand for truth and defend your freedom.
Don’t miss this refreshing and timely account of the history and principles of the United States in 1776. It is an ideal resource for a high school or college student and a must for every guardian of history.
Request your copy now!
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